Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Opening Ceremonies

It was a world wind day, a day I will never forget. Everyone had said that opening ceremonies are amazing. They understated it. The day started at 130 for us, with getting dressed and driving over to the waiting venue. Vice President Joe Biden and his wife met with us and talked to us for a bit. I'm usually a bit bored by speeches, but this was actually really good. It's no wonder he's made it far in public office.

When we finally made it into the arena underground waiting for our nation USA to get the call, (it goes alphabetically) we had been waiting for close to 5 hours. During that time, the performers who danced in the Program were down there, I got to talk to one of the dancers for awhile. It turned out it was Brock Jennings, the lead Tap dance guy.

During this whole time, we were all sweating like crazy, the sweater, polo jacket and hat are extremely warm. I had heard from other guys that had been to outside ceremonies, where the close were to light, they were always cold. This was definitely not the case.

When we finally got to enter the arena, the roar was deafening, the lights, the flashes, it was overwhelming. It was to put it simply, amazing. You try to take it all in, but you simply can't. I was trying to take some video's with my camera, but I honestly don't think I will ever forget it.

The part of the ceremony we got to see was outstanding, the creativity, colors and majesty was awesome. We had been guessing all week who would light the opening ceremonies torch, Wayne Gretzky was a cool choice. When the flame got lit, it was official, I was at the Olympics, and that fact still blows me away.

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